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Considerations on the barriers to the practice of digital preservation

Amarílis Corrêa

Amarílis Corrêa

Last updated on 3 November 2021

Amarílis Corrêa is an Academic Librarian and Researcher on digital preservation in São Paulo, Brazil / Amarílis Corrêa, Bibliotecária acadêmica e pesquisadora em preservação digital


For some of us, there seems to be no barriers to digital preservation; for others, too many. Is the grass always greener on the other side of the fence? For me it is, considering I haven’t had the opportunity to implement any part of the digital preservation process in the institution where I work.

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My Backwards Walk – Thinking About a Decade at the DPC

Sharon McMeekin

Sharon McMeekin

Last updated on 4 November 2021

13th June 2021 was the 10th anniversary of my first day with the DPC, the point where I made the switch from practitioner to a focus on workforce development. Such a significant milestone has naturally led to time spent reflecting on years past and hopes for the future.

As with any experience in life, my decade with the DPC has brought a combination of highs, lows, and plenty places in between. But thankfully I can report that the highs massively outnumber the lows. In my family, our unofficial motto is that “it’s all about the stories” and I can say with all confidence that my time with the DPC have given me more interesting stories to tell than I could possibly count. So, overall, I think that my time with the organization has been a success.

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The Cariniana Network for Digital Preservation

Miguel Ángel Márdero Arellano is Cariniana Network Coordinator at IBICT and José Carlos Abbud Grácio is President of the Permanent Commission for Digital Preservation UNESP.

A network of digital preservation services

In many countries, experiences in the implementation and actions of digital preservation have aroused the interest of heritage institutions, which seek to formalize preservation strategies through policies and action plans in different infrastructure contexts and aimed at digital collections of different natures and scenarios. In Brazil, the work area of ​​digital preservation is still little known, despite this, the practices of digitization and creation and repositories in the country converge in digital preservation actions in spaces where norms, tools and digital archiving systems are formalized.

Digital preservation in Brazil as an institutional practice is still linked to relatively restricted experiences. The perspective of expanding procedures and institutionalizing policies in this field involves the structuring of archive networks, or libraries, which contribute to disseminate technologies and support services, promote the sharing of collections and expand the possibilities of exchange between dedicated researchers to the same themes.

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Presentation of the French translation of the Digital Preservation Handbook

Thomas Ledoux

Thomas Ledoux

Last updated on 4 November 2021

[la version française suit]

Since 2019, France has had a Cellule Nationale de Veille sur les formats (National Formats Watch Unit), under the aegis of the French association Aristote and its working group on the Preservation of Digital Information (PIN). The Cellule currently brings together a dozen private and public partners. Its main objectives are to share monitoring activities on formats, to raise awareness among professionals on the subject, and to contribute to or influence the associated tools. It aims to be a recognised French-speaking interlocutor in international work on these subjects.

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Breaking Down Barriers: Harnessing the power of our people

Kirsten Hylan

Kirsten Hylan

Last updated on 4 November 2021

This blogpost has been written by St George’s Records Manager Kirsten Hylan, Archivist Juulia Ahvensalmi, Records Manager Kirsten Hylan and Research Data Support Manager Elizabeth Stovold.

The World Digital Preservation Day theme for 2021 is ‘Breaking Down Barriers’ and focuses on how digital preservation supports digital connections, unlocks potential and creates lasting value.  In this post we’ll look at the work we’ve been doing to identify areas in the university holding records of interest for long-term preservation.  By connecting with people and areas of the university who previously were not involved in the project we are unlocking the potential of the records and creating lasting value.   

You can engage with the day and find out more about our work on the Museum and Archives Twitter account, and using the hashtags #WDPD2021 and #SGULwdpd2021.

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Being brave and making connections at the University of Hull

Laura Giles

Laura Giles

Last updated on 3 November 2021

Laura Giles is the City of Culture Digital Archivist at The University of Hull, UK

We’ve blogged before about our work on the City of Culture digital archive and now in keeping with the Breaking Down Barriers theme of this World Digital Preservation Day we’re now thinking about the ways that the City of Culture digital preservation work can help us open doors across the university to build relationships and embed good practice around the creation, storage and eventual preservation of digital records.

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Community archives & digital preservation – Breaking down barriers

John Pelan

John Pelan

Last updated on 3 November 2021

John Pelan is the Director of the Scottish Council on Archives

The digital archives of community groups were added to the DPC’s Bit List under ‘Critically Endangered’ in 2019 due to a number of identified aggravating conditions. These included: poor documentation; lack of continuity funding; dependence on small number of volunteers, conflation of backup with preservation; and distrust of official agencies, e.g., local authorities and national collecting bodies.

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Hello, World! Welcome to the first Digital Preservation at Cambridge University Libraries (CUL) post

Caylin Smith

Caylin Smith

Last updated on 3 November 2021

Caylin Smith is Head of Digital Preservation at Cambridge University Library.

This post was originally published on the Cambridge University Libraries Digital Preservation blog and can be found at this URL:

Welcome to the first Digital Preservation at Cambridge University Libraries (CUL) post!

CUL is a network of libraries at the University of Cambridge comprised of Cambridge University Library, the main research library for the University, as well as faculty and departmental libraries.

Digital preservation is incredibly important to the Libraries. This discipline is fundamentally about ensuring access to digital materials for as long as necessary — and that’s what staff working in this area at CUL help achieve for digital materials created or acquired for library collections. We’re keen to share news of what we’re working on because the impact of our digital preservation work will extend right across these libraries.

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Lloyds Banking Group: The Dark Horse goes Digital

Peter Judge

Peter Judge

Last updated on 3 November 2021

Peter Judge is Archivist for the Lloyds Banking Group Archives & Museum

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Prior to 2020 at Lloyds Banking Group Archives we had been making plans to digitise parts of our collections. Then, like so many other organisations, we found ourselves in a situation where lockdown restrictions were limiting our access to the archives. Given how much of our work is tied to a physical space, this added extra impetus to our plans for digitisation.

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Audiovisual Preservation at Wellcome Collection

Christy Henshaw

Christy Henshaw

Last updated on 3 November 2021

Christy Henshaw is Digital Production Manager at Wellcome Collection in London

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Wellcome Collection, like many archives, has a tape problem. Video or audio, good condition or bad, tape archives present a major challenge for preservation and access. We hold hundreds of unique and distinctive works on tape formats, and regularly acquire more through our acquisition programme.

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