
Registration for iPRES 2024 now open

Added on 7 June 2024

The iPRES 2024 Programme Committee is thrilled to announce that registration for iPRES 2024 is officially open! There are three registration types for you to choose from:social register iPRES2024 EN

  • In-person attendance

  • Online attendance

  • Monday-only attendance

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Vacancy for Project Archivists at University of Bristol

16 June 2024


£32,982-£37,099 per annum

Fixed Term

Anna Perricci to lead DPC Americas program of work

Added on 5 June 2024

Profile photo of Anna Perricci[sigue la versión española]

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to announce that Anna Perricci will lead its new program of work which will support existing and new members across the Americas. Anna will coordinate the DPC Americas program to bring greater attention and access to good practice and excellence within the dynamic digital preservation community from across the region.

“We’re so excited to have Anna leading this important work,” said William Kilbride, Executive Director of the DPC. “She will be instrumental in expanding the DPC’s work in the Americas, helping us to collaborate with our members and the established, robust digital preservation community in the Americas.”

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Community Archive Digital Preservation Toolkit Scoping Project

Added on 24 May 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition is working with the University of Glasgow as part of the Our Heritage, Our Stories project to produce a practical toolkit for those working with community generated digital content. The toolkit will include a range of practical guidance, support, and advice aimed at those working with digital records in a community context. We are running a Focus Group on June 7th, and kindly invite you to participate.

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Vacancy for Head of Preservation Imaging at Yale University Library

17 June 2024

In-person position located in New Haven, CT but eligible for a hybrid schedule



Academic Preservation Trust becomes Full Member of the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 23 May 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is very pleased to announce that the Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) has upgraded its membership to become a Full Member of the Coalition this month.Logo of the academic preservation trust which is an open book surrounded by golden leaves

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Call for Applicants: DPC Grant for iPRES 2024 in Ghent & Flanders

Added on 22 May 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is pleased to offer a number of Career Development Fund grants to support DPC Members attending the iPRES 2024 Conference in Ghent and Flanders, Belgium, 16-20 September.

Each Career Development Fund grant will cover 100% of the full conference registration fees, and provide a contribution towards travel and accommodation if attending in person. Grant applications are welcomed from DPC Members until 07:00 UTC on 14th June 2024.


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