27 January 2017 | 09:30 - 15:30 Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU | Senate House, University of London

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Event Description 

The DPC, with support from CoSector at the University of London, the Archives and Records Association, and the Information and Records Management Society, is pleased to invite students, researchers and new professionals in archives, records management and librarianship to a one day conference on practical workplace skills in digital preservation. This conference will bring a select group of leading practitioners together with the next generation of archivists, records managers and librarians to discuss the challenges of digital collections management and digital preservation.

The day will open with a consideration of digital preservation basics and a scan of emerging trends in digital preservation. In the afternoon, a group of invited speakers will reflect on ‘what I wish I knew before I started’, or 'what I actually do all day' giving delegates an advantage in their own career development and helping those who frame the curriculum a chance to extend their students' readiness for the workplace. The day will end with a round table session, allowing delegates to ask questions about digital preservation practice and careers.

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This conference will:

  • Provide participants with a core grounding in applied digital preservation
  • Provide an overview of emerging trends in digital preservation
  • Present practical examples of the sorts skills that employers are looking from in staff working in digital preservation
  • Present role models of practitioners whose careers have taken them to leading positions in digital preservation
  • Allow delegates to question practitioners about their day-to-day work and the skills that they reply upon

This day will be of interest to:

  • Students and recent graduates in library and archive schools
  • Students and recent graduates in information management and records management
  • Tutors, lecturers and course convenors in library and archive schools, or who teach records management or information governance
  • Innovators, vendors and commentators on digital preservation and cognate fields
  • Employers seeking to understand the skills needed to operate digital preservation facilities or seeking to recruit new entrants


09:30 Registration Opens

10:00 Session One – Getting Started with Digital Preservation

12:00 Lunch – Sandwich lunch and refreshments provided

12:45 Session Two – What I Wish I Knew Before I Started

Presentations from the following Invited Speakers on working within the Digital Preservation field.

14:25 Comfort Break - Tea and coffee provided

14:45 Session Three – Roundtable with the Day’s Speakers

15:30 Thanks and Close


Places are strictly limited and should be booked in advance. Registration will close one week before the event and early booking is recommended as we expect the event will be popular.

Registration is free for:

  • Staff and students of DPC members
  • Members of the ARA
  • Members of IRMS

Registration is £10 per person for all other delegates. Please register via the Eventbrite link included below, members should enter the promotional code DPCMEMBER to allow you to register for free. To check if your organisation qualifies for free attendance, please check the DPC Member List. If you have any questions about registration, please contact Sharon McMeekin (sharon.mcmeekin@dpconline.org).

Register for this event on Eventbrite

Can't Make it?

We’ll publish the slides after the event and will tweet live from the event using the hashtag #DPC_WIWIK.













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