New Members

The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority as its latest member

Added on 1 July 2015

The DPC is delighted to welcome the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority as its latest full member.

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority is a non-departmental public body set up to ensure that the UK’s 17 designated civil public sector nuclear sites are decommissioned and cleaned up safely and efficiently. Managing Director of the NDA National Archives, Simon Tucker recognises the enormous challenge of maintaining access to digital resources and believes “the DPC’s expertise in long-term digital information management will bring major benefits to our information governance programme.”

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes Loughborough University as its latest associate member

Added on 4 June 2015

The DPC is delighted to welcome Loughborough University as its latest associate member. This new membership is also something of a milestone; Loughborough University is now the 50th member of the ever-growing Coalition. William Kilbride, Executive Director of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) said ‘I am delighted to welcome Loughborough University as our 50th member which is an important landmark in our development and a great opportunity to celebrate our shared endeavour. Loughborough has a large volume of digital educational resources and it is wonderful to see institutions with such expertise recognising the need to collaborate on digital preservation.’

Adrienne Muir, Senior Lecturer in Publishing within the School of the Arts, English and Drama explained why Loughborough decided to join the DPC; ‘Various groups across the institution are involved in

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Bank of England as its latest full member

Added on 10 March 2015

The Bank of England Archive contains over 80,000 files and individual records relating to all aspects of the history of the Bankand its work, dating from its foundation in 1694 to the present.

“As part of its mission to promote the good of the people of the United Kingdom by maintaining monetary and financial stability, the Bank of England is committed to being open and accountable,” explains Dr. Mike Anson, the Bank of England’s Archive Manager. “To underpin this transparency the Bank of England Archive collects, stores and makes available Bank records which are of business and research value.”

“Joining the DPC is an important step towards the Bank meeting the digital challenge. We hope it will give us access to specialist knowledge and advice, the experiences of other information professionals, especially those in the business field. As a member of the board, we are also looking forward to being involved in the development of digital preservation more generally.”

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the University of Sheffield Library as its latest full member

Added on 13 January 2015

The DPC is delighted to welcome the University of Sheffield Library as its latest member.

‘This is an exciting time to be involved in Digital Preservation at the University of Sheffield’, explained Tracey Clarke, Assistant Director for Academic Services. ‘We’re in the process of recruiting a new Digital Preservation Officer and are currently tendering for systems. We’re writing a digital preservation policy, establishing a collections schedule and enhancing how we handle digital research outputs.’

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Royal Institute of British Architects as its latest associate member

Added on 1 July 2014

The British Architectural Library of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is the latest organisation to join the Digital Preservation Coalition

“As a library, museum and archive with complex historic analogue and digital collections, we create, ingest, preserve and make accessible digital objects as a core activity,” explains Dylan Evans, RIBA’s Head of Systems & Services. “Our particular areas of interest include preservation strategies for e-Journals, digital photographs, born digital architecture and electronic design records (CAD, BIM and 3-D files), audio visual materials and databases.”

“Joining the Digital Preservation Coalition will provide us with access to specialist resources, a unique network of peer advisors, and collaborative opportunities that are essential for the Library’s promotion, preservation and developments of its important architecture and design collections,” Dylan continues.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the United Nations as its latest full member

Added on 21 March 2014

The DPC is pleased to announce that United Nations (UN) Archives and Records Management Section joined the coalition in March this year.

“We believe it’s important for the UN to be seen to be active in digital preservation and being part of the DPC will provide the right kind support and expertise for our work to develop digital preservation capacity and capability within the UN’s Secretariat,” explains Bridget Sisk, Chief of the Archives and Records Management Section (ARMS).

ARMS acquires, preserves, and makes available material created or received during all UN business, ensuring that historically significant records are made available for a variety of research uses, including teaching purposes, legal proceedings, building plans, publications, television and radio programs.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the University of East London as its newest member

Added on 10 February 2014

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome the University of East London as its latest member.

‘UEL’s Library and Learning Services manage substantial and growing collections which are of long-term value, including publication and data repositories and curated digital collections’, explained Laura Mitchell, chair of the DPC. ‘The collections are diverse in type, including digitised and born-digital materials including some 15000 images alone. The staff are committed to ensuring that these remain discoverable, authentic and useable in the long term.’

‘UEL will soon add a new research data repository to their digital infrastructure. As a university, research and teaching outputs are highly prized, so ensuring their continued availability supports the fundamental mission of the organisation.’

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the University of Hull as its latest associate member

Added on 1 February 2014

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome the University of Hull as its latest member.

‘Hull has made an outstanding contribution to the development of institutional repositories in the UK’, said Laura Mitchell chair of the DPC. ‘Although they have been working in digital preservation for many years, their contributions to the ground-breaking AIMS project and Hydra tools have brought them into more direct contact with the digital preservation community lately.‘

‘Perhaps the most exciting element of their work is the way that are making their institutional infrastructure available for 3rd parties.’

‘Digital preservation has become very real for us in recent years’, explained Chris Awre, Head of Information Management at the University. ‘It has implications across the our repository and our archive service as well our academic interests. It’s a whole new research field in its own right and we have been fortunate to be involved in a range of innovative explorations of how to manage and preserve digital collections.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes Lloyds Banking Group as its latest member

Added on 1 January 2014

The Digital Preservation Coalition is delighted to welcome Lloyds Banking Group as its newest member.

‘Lloyds Banking Group Archives represents the corporate memory of the group, taking in key records for permanent preservation,’ explains Helen Redmond-Cooper, Head of Archives & Museums at Lloyds. ‘We take in records of all formats, and the recent influx of digital material has brought about the beginnings of a digital preservation programme for the Group.

’‘We are keen to use our membership of the DPC to optimise this programme by learning about best practice in digital preservation from other coalition members,’ she adds, ‘and we particularly look forward to sharing our own interests and perspectives relating to the undertaking of digital curation activities in a corporate environment.’

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes CyMAL as its latest associate member

Added on 18 December 2013

The DPC is pleased to announce that the Welsh Government, through its CyMAL: Museums Archives and Libraries Wales division joined the coalition on 18th December 2013.

‘The Welsh Government is concerned with ensuring the safekeeping of Wales’ digital resources, for access now and in the future. CyMAL is the policy division which promotes and protects the culture and heritage of Wales by supporting its museums, archives and libraries,’ explains Linda Tomos, CyMAL’s Director.

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