New Members

The International Atomic Energy Agency joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 8 March 2019

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) welcomes the Archives and Records Management Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as they become the Coalition’s newest Associate Member.

The International Atomic Energy Agency is the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. It works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, contributing to international peace and security and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, as Full Member

Added on 5 December 2018

The DPC is delighted to announce that the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, CERN, has joined the Coalition as a Full Member this month.

CERN has three main digital preservation interests: Scientific Data from CERN’s accelerators, notably the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), where the data volume at the end of LHC Run2 (end 2018) is over 300PB; Scientific publications, papers and articles; and CERN’s “digital memory”, including meeting minutes, photographs, video recordings and scanned legacy material.

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Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 29 November 2018

The National Library of Luxembourg, la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg, has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month, becoming the Coalition’s newest Full Member.

As part of its legal mission as a national heritage library, Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg (BnL) collects, catalogues, enriches and preserves all publications issued in Luxembourg as well as all those issued abroad relating to the Grand Duchy. Through its Digital Preservation project, the BnL ensures the management, availability and long-term preservation of digital publications, resulting from a digitization process, collection of born-digital material or through legal deposit.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Imperial War Museum as its newest associate member

Added on 24 October 2018

Imperial War Museums (IWM) hold an internationally renowned collection covering the cause, course and consequence of war. The collection covers conflicts involving Britain, its former Empire and the Commonwealth, from the First World War to the present day.

Comprising photographs, film and artworks, each of the important personal, political, cultural and technological items held by the museums tell a story about the experiences of those caught up in conflict. IWM is committed to preserving these digital assets in perpetuity, making them accessible and available for future generations to appreciate and understand.

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Preserving the publications of the European Union: The Publications Office joins the DPC

Added on 1 August 2018

The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office) becomes the newest organisation to join the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month.

The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office), based in Luxembourg, is an interinstitutional office whose task is to publish the publications of the institutions of the European Union (EU).

Its core activities include production and dissemination of legal and general publications in a variety of paper and electronic formats, managing a range of websites providing EU citizens, governments and businesses with digital access to official information and data from the EU.

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Digital preservation helps safeguard the institutional memory and unique heritage of the United Nations

Added on 30 April 2018

The United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) becomes the newest organisation to join the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC).

Housed at the Palais des Nations, UNOG serves as the representative office of the Secretary-General at Geneva and in providing key infrastructure and support to the Organization’s efforts to maintain international peace and security.

The Library of the United Nations in Geneva has recently launched its “Total Digital Access to the League of Nations Archives” project, under the responsibility of the Chief of the Institutional Memory Section. Through the project, the entire content of the League of Nations Archives (registered in the UNESCO’s Memory of the World Registry), consisting of approximately 15 million pages of materials, will be digitized.

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Qatar National Library joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 10 April 2018

Qatar National Library (QNL) has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition, becoming the DPC’s newest Associate member.

Among its mandates, QNL has a remit to collect, preserve and provide access to heritage content and materials representative of Qatar and the wider Arab region. Collections are made available through the Library itself, as well as through its research library function to support education and research at all levels, and through its public library function which serves the metropolitan area. With each of these functions increasingly being fulfilled digitally, addressing issues of digital preservation has become a cornerstone of QNL’s operations.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Internet Archive as its 80th Member

Added on 29 March 2018

The Internet Archive (IA) has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition, becoming its 80th Member.

As the world's largest and oldest web archive, and a large-scale digital library committed to ‘universal access to all knowledge,’ the Internet Archive brings significant expertise to acquiring, preserving, and providing access to digital materials.

Based in San Francisco USA, the Internet Archive is the original developer of a suite of web archiving, digitization, and access technologies that remain industry standards and works with national and international libraries, archives, governments, non-profit technology organizations, and community initiatives, for almost two decades to provide digital library, preservation, and archiving services.

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Swansea University joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 28 March 2018

Swansea University becomes the newest Associate Member of the Digital Preservation Coalition this week.

Home to the Richard Burton Archives which holds material of local, regional and national significance, the Archives preserves and makes accessible records of historical value created or acquired by the University. Through its holdings and the expertise of its staff, the Archives actively supports the mission of the University to provide an environment of research excellence, to deliver an outstanding student experience with teaching of the highest quality, and to enrich the community and cultural life of Wales and beyond.

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University of Salford becomes the DPC’s newest Associate Member

Added on 22 March 2018

The University of Salford has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition, becoming its newest Associate Member.

The University of Salford has a long-standing interest in the heritage of its surrounding environment, made evident from its archival holdings. The institution has also acquired a substantial art collection, which is housed in the Salford Museum and Art Gallery.

As a higher education institution, the University holds a significant amount of research data and associated materials which must be preserved in digital formats. A research data management policy and related service underpin this and provides a snapshot of the University’s current state but will be subject to change as part of the ongoing Catalyst Digital IT strategy. All these aspects have in recent years focused the institution’s attention on digital preservation.

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