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The room of requirement: working together to set up a digital preservation lab at State Library Victoria

This blog has been written by Carey Garvie, Senior Digital Preservation Specialist, Library Systems & Digital Preservation and Susannah Bourke, Digital Archivist, Description Original Materials at State Library Victoria This year’s theme for World Digital Preservation Day - Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort feels extremely pertinent to our experience over the last year. In December 2022, State Library Victoria appointed two new Digital Preservation positions. Together these...

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Announcement: Call for Contributions iPRES 2024

16-20 September 2024, iPRES comes to Ghent and Flanders. Hosted by Ghent University, Digital Archives Flanders, VRT and meemoo, Flemish Institute for Archives, we invite you to unlock the past, present and future of digital preservation together. We are pleased to announce the iPRES 2024 Call for Contributions!

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The Digital Preservation community celebrates a ‘Concerted Effort’ this World Digital Preservation Day!

2nd November marks World Digital Preservation Day 2023 (WDPD2023)!   With the theme Digital Preservation: A Concerted Effort, WDPD2023 connects the digital preservation community today while we celebrate the positive impact digital preservation has had in another year where digital information and infrastructure have been so instrumental in supporting all parts of our global society. 

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Digital Preservation Soup

Ailie O'Hagan is the Digital Preservation Officer at Queen's University Belfast. She attended the iPRES 2023 Conference with support from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. Starting with Digital Preservation is like making stone soup – the more we come together and pool our resources, the better we can sustain our staff and collections needs.

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What is the carbon footprint of large-scale global digital preservation?

Matthew Addis is the Chief Technology Officer at Arkivum. It was great to be at iPRES 2023 in person again this year.  I was privileged to be invited onto a panel called ‘Tipping Point’ that was run by Paul Stokes and Karen Colbron from Jisc.  The panel questioned the premise that there is so much data being generated each year that we are at the point where we no longer have the ability to process it in any meaningful way, let alone curate and preserve it.  Panellists...

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Take-aways from NEDCC Digital Directions 2023: Inclusive online training for anyone working with digital collections

Angélique Bonamy is Associate Archivist, Sound & Film, at the National Railway Museum, Science Museum Group. She attended the NEDCC Digital Directions 2023 Conference with support from the DPC Career Development Fund, which is funded by DPC Supporters. In June I attended the NEDCC’s Digital Directions online training conference thanks to a Career Development Fund grant from the DPC. I am a film and sound archivist working in a group of museums with a wide range of collections. My...

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Choosing a Persistent Identifier Type for Your Digital Objects: New Technology Watch Guidance Note now available on general release

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes, Choosing a Persistent Identifier Type for Your Digital Objects by Remco van Veenendaal of the National Archives of the Netherlands, available on general release today. 

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Defining the Designated Community: New DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note now available on general release

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes, Defining the Designated Community by Christian Keitel (State Archives of Baden-Württemberg) and Jenny Mitcham (DPC), available on general release today after an exclusive one-month Member preview.

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New DPC resource ‘Level-up with RAM’ now available on general release

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the resource Level-up with RAM available on general release today. Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which is applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value. First released to DPC Members 6 months ago, this new companion resource is designed to help organizations work out...

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Does net zero emissions from energy usage in the cloud mean carbon free digital preservation is on the horizon?

Matthew Addis is the Chief Technology Officer at Arkivum. If cloud infrastructure providers such as Google, AWS and Azure have net zero emissions from their use of energy, then does this mean we no longer need to worry about the carbon footprint of digital preservation in the cloud?  The answer is no.  Carbon emissions from energy consumption is just one part of the story.  The embodied footprint [7] of all the ICT servers that run in the cloud also needs to be taken into...

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Evolving Email Archive Investigation: From Full Text Search to Generative AI-Aided Q&A

Peter Chan is the web archivist at Stanford University Libraries. He served as the project manager for the ePADD initiative from 2012-2019.  This blog was created with the assistance of ChatGPT.   Introduction Email archives are a valuable resource for individuals and organizations alike. They contain a wealth of information and insights that can be harnessed for various purposes. However, navigating through extensive email archives can be a daunting task. In this article,...

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Time to get yourself N2KH-ready!

The newest training course in the Novice-to-Know-How series (N2KH) will be available soon. If you haven’t done the original N2KH Learning Pathway yet, now is the time! You might have already heard: for the past 4 months The National Archives in the UK and the Digital Preservation Coalition have been busy developing a new online training course on email preservation. The training is the latest in the digital preservation learning pathway “Novice to Know-How” and will be launched in June...

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DPC Reading Club: digital forensics and born-digital archives

Yesterday was the first meeting of DPC’s Reading Club…I’m hoping the first of many! A group of DPC Members met over Zoom for a friendly chat to discuss a recent article by Thorsten Ries - Digital history and born-digital archives: the importance of forensic methods.

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Level Up with RAM: New DPC resource supports progress in digital preservation maturity

The Digital Preservation Coalition has released a new resource designed to help organizations Level-up with RAM and move forward in their digital preservation capabilities using the DPC Rapid Assessment Model (RAM). Designed to enable rapid benchmarking of an organization’s digital preservation capability, the DPC RAM is a digital preservation maturity modelling tool which is applicable for organizations of any size in any sector, and for all content of long-term value. With a 6-month DPC...

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Calendar of Upcoming DPC Grants Now Available

The DPC is pleased to share a new calendar of upcoming 2023 Career Development Fund Grants, now available on the DPC website! The calendar provides a list of all planned 2023 Advertised Grant Opportunities with information on the format, location, dates of event or course, and when the Call For Applicants will be announced via the DPC News page.

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DPC shares French translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes on World Digital Preservation Day

[Une version française suit] Adding to a range of other translated resources, the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to share translations of two Technology Watch Guidance Notes: Preserving Databases and Developing an Access Strategy for Born Digital Archival Material. Now available in French, the Technology Watch Guidance Notes complement the DPC’s popular Technology Watch Report series and are designed to be a ‘bite-sized’ papers containing information about the specific...

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Title: Preservation Digitisation Project – Digitising the Tasmanian Archives audio visual collection

Karin Haveman is Acting Manager Government Archives and Preservation at the Tasmanian Archives and Digitisation Services Coordinator In February 2021, Libraries Tasmania launched the Preservation Digitisation Project – a major collaborative project that brings together Digitisation Services, System Support and Delivery, Government Archives, and the Community Archives teams. The aim of this project is to digitise our Tasmanian film, sound, and video collections for long-term...

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Funding digital preservation skills development

Natalie Baur is Program Director for DPOE-N Happy World Digital Preservation Day from your colleagues at the Digital Preservation Outreach and Education Network (DPOE-N)! We are excited to celebrate this important day with you, and we wanted to share some of our resources and funding opportunities that are available to the community.  DPOE-N was created by the Library of Congress in 2010 to provide digital preservation training across the U.S. The program transitioned to...

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Reviving Digital Preservation Policies at National Library of New Zealand

Martin Gengenbach is Digital Preservation Policy and Outreach Specialist, National Library of New Zealand There are many resources to help an organisation draft its first digital preservation policy, including the excellent guide provided by the DPC. There is less information about reviewing and revising policy documentation - though most policy guides recommend a regular process for doing so. Announcing an existing policy revision probably doesn’t sound as exciting as promoting a new...

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Investigating podcast preservation at the University of Kent

Clair Waller is Digital Archivist at the University of Kent Introduction The University of Kent Archive (UKA) is the repository for records created by Kent’s central administration and other constituent parts of the University. It was established in the year of our 50th anniversary, 2015, and has been developing in terms of scope, practice, and content since then. The UKA holds collects and preserves content from across the university, including papers on foundation and establishment of...

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