
Vacancy for Project Archivist (Hong Kong) at University of Bristol

10 May 2023


£32,411 - £36,333 per annum

Fixed Term

Contract for Digital Preservation Facilitator at National Museum of the Royal Navy

14 May 2023

Portsmouth, UK

Maximum value of contract: £15,000

Fixed Term

A risk driven approach to Bitstream Preservation: New DPC Technology Watch Guidance Note now available on general release

Added on 25 April 2023

Bitstream PreservationThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has made the next in its series of Technology Watch Guidance Notes, A risk driven approach to Bitstream Preservation by Paul Wheatley, available on general release today.

A risk driven approach to Bitstream Preservation explores some of the challenges that must be addressed by a storage architecture designed for long-term digital preservation. It considers the risks faced by content stored over the long-term and concludes with a simple approach to assess and document the risks and mitigating actions put in place to address them.

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Vacancy for Data Manager at University College Dublin Library

2 May 2023


€48 381 - €65 549

Fixed Term

Vacancy for Digital Archives Assistant at the Archaeology Data Service

15 May 2023

York, UK

£24,715 - £26,642 a year

Fixed Term

Time to get yourself N2KH-ready!

Added on 24 April 2023

The newest training course in the Novice-to-Know-How series (N2KH) will be available soon. If you haven’t done the original N2KH Learning Pathway yet, now is the time!

You might have already heard: for the past 4 months The National Archives in the UK and the Digital Preservation Coalition have been busy developing a new online training course on email preservation. The training is the latest in the digital preservation learning pathway “Novice to Know-How” and will be launched in June 2023.

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Vacancy for Digital Preservation Specialist at US National Archives

1 May 2023

Location negotiable after selection

$82,830 - $133,236 USD per year, but can vary with locale


New DPC Board Members elected

Added on 21 April 2023

We are delighted to report that, following their nominations, Michelle Donoghue – Information Governance Manager at the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Vicky Plaine – Head of Media Management at the BBC and Alicia Wise – Executive Director of CLOCKSS have been elected to join the DPC Board at the most recent DPC Board Meeting on 14th April 2023.

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