New Members

The Melbourne Cricket Club becomes the Digital Preservation Coalition’s newest Member

Added on 6 September 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) welcomes the Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) as its newest Associate Member this month. MCCLogoThe MCC is responsible for managing five heritage collections that capture the unique stories of the Club and the venue it manages, the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), along with other key pieces of Australian sporting history.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes KU Leuven as its newest Member

Added on 21 August 2024

KULEUVENKU Leuven joins the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this week, becoming its newest Associate Member. As one of the oldest universities in Europe, KU Leuven is dedicated to the long-term care and accessibility of their vast library and archival collections, ensuring that valuable data, research, and cultural heritage are preserved for future generations.

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The Digital Research Alliance of Canada joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 6 August 2024

[Voir ci-dessous pour la version française]DRA banner

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is pleased to announce that the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) has joined as its newest Full Member.

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The World Bank Group Archives becomes the Digital Preservation Coalition’s newest Full Member

Added on 30 July 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) welcomes the World Bank Group (WBG) Archives this week, as they become the Coalition’s newest Full Member.

With 189 member countries, the World Bank Group is a global partnership comprising five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. The World Bank’s vision is to create a world free of poverty on a liveable planet.

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National Archives of Australia upgrades to become DPC’s latest Full Member

Added on 24 July 2024

National Archives of Australia has upgraded its membership to become the latest Full Member of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC).

"We have an important role in safekeeping Australian Government records that reflect our nation’s history. It has been very beneficial to be part of an international community dedicated to the preservation of, and increased citizen access, to digital records," explains Rowena Loo, Director of Digital Archives Innovation & Research for National Archives’ Transformation Office. "As full members, we will continue to connect and collaborate with other DPC members to further strengthen our knowledge and skills in digital preservation."

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Department of Archives - French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs becomes the Digital Preservation Coalition’s newest Member

Added on 1 July 2024

MIN Europe et Affaires Etrangeres RVB[Voir ci-dessous pour la version française]

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) welcomes the Department of Archives of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, as they become the newest Associate Member of the Coalition this month.

As a public institution, the French Diplomatic Archives Department has the responsibility to preserve the French diplomatic history, by collecting, safeguarding and granting access to these archives, regardless of their form, whether physical, digital or digitized, and also to specific data from various applications used within the ministry.

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Academic Preservation Trust becomes Full Member of the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 23 May 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is very pleased to announce that the Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) has upgraded its membership to become a Full Member of the Coalition this month.Logo of the academic preservation trust which is an open book surrounded by golden leaves

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the Flickr Foundation as its newest Member 

Added on 22 March 2024

flickr bannerThe Flickr Foundation joins the Digital Preservation Coalition this week, becoming its newest Associate Member.

As celebrates its 20th birthday, it has grown into an online collection of tens of billions of born-digital images (and counting), with their associated metadata. The Flickr Foundation was established in 2022 with the mission to develop and sustain an accessible social and technical infrastructure to protect this unique collection for future generations. 

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University of Pittsburgh Library System joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 11 March 2024

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) welcomes the University of Pittsburgh Library System this week, as they become the Coalition’s newest Associate Member.Shield LibrarySystem horiz 3color

The University of Pittsburgh Library System is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and providing access to a wide variety of materials from diverse communities to ensure their inclusion in the global exchange of information and knowledge. Recognizing the challenges inherent in digital preservation and the importance of timely action to ensure their capture and persistence for long-term use, the University of Pittsburgh Library System embraces advances, collaborations, and innovative responses that will assist in further developing standards and practices and continually enhance a digital preservation program.

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Western Libraries joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 11 March 2024

Western bannerThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Western Libraries as its newest Associate Member.

“We are ecstatic to become DPC members!” says Lisa Lawlis, Assistant Archivist. “The DPC are international leaders in digital preservation training and resources. Having access to DPC resources and industry experts in digital preservation is essential for our team to be successful in the management of the bit level health of born digital records in our collections.”

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