New Members

The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes Deakin University as its newest member

Added on 4 December 2023

Deakin University has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month, becoming the Coalition’s newest Associate Member.Deakin Roundel Logo MasterV3 Reversed

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The Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group Archives joins the Digital Preservation Coalition!

Added on 1 November 2023

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to announce today on World Digital Preservation Day that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group Archives has joined the Coalition as an Associate Member.

Based in Sydney, the CBA Group Archives houses information about the Commonwealth Bank and other financial institutions whose archives are curated by the Group Archives team. They are custodians of over 4 million legacy digital items dating back many decades that record and preserve the ongoing evolution of the Commonwealth Bank and Australia’s financial system.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes Hampshire County Council as its newest member

Added on 16 October 2023

HCC logoThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Hampshire County Council as its latest Associate Member.  Incorporating Hampshire Archives and Wessex Film and Sound Archive (WFSA), Hampshire County Council preserves and provides access to archives relating to Hampshire, as well as film and sound material relating to central southern England, which bring Hampshire’s history to life. Holding over 22,000 cinefilms and video recordings, more than 16,000 sound recordings, and 1 million entries in its online catalogue of records in all formats, the County Council is also embarking on a 3-year project which aims to generate additions to born-digital contemporary collections. 

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The Agency for Facility Operations of the Flemish Government upgrades to become a Full Member of the DPC

Added on 5 October 2023

DPC Associate Member since 2020, the Agency for Facility Operations of the Flemish Government (the Agency) upgraded its membership this month to become the latest Full Member of the Coalition.Flanders Agency

The Agency, which provides professional support to the entities of the Flemish government, has developed a shared digital archiving service - Digital Archives Flanders. This service is open to more than 300 organizations and local authorities of the Flemish government. Supporting this development, the Agency provides the technical infrastructure, the software and the expertise with regard to the management, storage and preservation of born digital information.

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Vanderbilt University’s Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries join the DPC

Added on 2 October 2023

Vanderbilt bannerThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Vanderbilt University’s Jean and Alexander Heard Libraries as they become the newest Full Member of the Coalition.

With more than 18 million digital items in their collections, the Heard Libraries pursue effective and inclusive models for digital preseration and stewardship. In addition to a diverse range of digitized manuscript collections, the academic research library in Nashville, Tennessee, holds and preserves one of the preeminent digital audio-visual collections in the United States through the Vanderbilt Television News Archive, featuring more than 62,000 hours of transcribed video content.

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Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision joins the Digital Preservation Coalition

Added on 6 September 2023

Nga Taonga Brand Black Teal RGB AW SMALL copyThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision as they become the Coalition’s newest Associate Member. 

Based in Wellington, Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision is the audiovisual archive of Aotearoa New Zealand. With more than 800,000 items spanning over 120 years of Aotearoa New Zealand’s sound and moving image history, the collection includes film and television, sound and radio recordings.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the University of Arizona Libraries as its newest member

Added on 18 August 2023

The University of Arizona Libraries have joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month, becoming the Coalition’s newest Associate Member.Uni Arizona logo

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Museums of History New South Wales becomes the Digital Preservation Coalition’s newest Member

Added on 7 July 2023

MHNSW PrimaryLockup RGB BlueThe Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is delighted to welcome Museums of History New South Wales (MHNSW), as they become the Coalition’s newest Associate Member. MHNSW collects, manages, and preserves one of Australia’s most valuable and diverse holdings of heritage and history. This includes the State Archives Collection; a portfolio of 11 significant historic buildings and sites; and museum, library and archival collections related to the significant buildings and sites.

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London Metropolitan Archives joins the DPC

Added on 7 July 2023

London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) this month, becoming the Coalition’s newest Associate Member.LMA Text CS PMS Monochrome

As the city’s public archive, London Metropolitan Archives exists to collect records of London’s rich past history and to find and collect records of London’s vibrant and diverse present, which are permanently preserved for the use and benefit of present and future generations.

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The Digital Preservation Coalition welcomes the National Library and Archives of United Arab Emirates as its newest member

Added on 7 July 2023

الترجمة العربية تتبع أدناه.


The National Library and Archives of United Arab Emirates (NLA) is the latest organization to join the Digital Preservation Coalition, as they become Associate Member this month. Based in Abu Dhabi, and one of the oldest cultural institutions in the United Arab Emirates, the NLA provides intellectuals with a variety of publications that explore both authentic cultural and contemporary issues in history and heritage.  NLAUAE banner

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